To allow things to be a bit easier, I'll repost the plot here, along with a .doc file of what I have done so far. After agonizing on what kind of writing style to take, I decided to do this one - for now. The other one felt extremely melodramatic, and took too long for anything to get done. In fact, the couple of pages I had written accomplished almost nothing.
Now I give you, Vrs. 2.2 of the opening chapter, with no corrections or anything. But first, the plot to refresh your memories.
Our main character is no superhero, nor is he a scholarly poet. Caught up in the times of his country, he is shipped off to fight a war against another nation that he knows nothing of. His preconceptions, thoughts, idealogies - all are subject to reconsideration as he experiences his time on the front. Yet, his experiences would have faded into the past if he had not been left behind by his company.
Alone, and bewildered, our protagonist is stuck in an unknown territory, forced to walk towards his homeland in hopes of finding his comrades. Yet, in his arduous trek back, he sees a different side of the war, and rediscovers the reason humans struggle, and at the same time - discover how truly selfish creatures they can be.
Whether it's sleeping in a bombed out farmed house, attempting to barter apples while disguised, or taken prisoner, our character will surely be a changed man. Let us travel with him, and experience the things he does, and the visions he sees. Perhaps we too shall gain a different perspective of human nature and the world afterwords.
Here's the file! Enjoy